(This is a bit more of a personal post than security related, but I will try to tie it in as much as possible.) I have a blogging policy that I don't mention my employers by name in my post or talk about issues directly related to them. However, today I am going to violate my own policy. ;) As of today, I have resigned my position here in the US as Director of Security Operations for Revolution Health and have accepted a new role with a Thailand-based company. Aware Corporation is a premier IT services, headquartered in Chiang Mai, Thailand. This is an truly exciting company that I have been communicating with and tracking for 3+ years and the opportunities are practically endless. In my 10-year IT/ Security career, I can't recall ever being as excited to work for a company as this one!
I will be leaving the US later next month and beginning in my new role the first part of December. For those of in the industry and traveling to the region or already working in the region, please feel free to contact me. I'm hoping to start occasionally attending BangSec, HITB, becoming active in the SE Asian security community, and building up my network of contacts on that side of the world.
Wish me luck!
I can say that I am sad to see you go but happy to see you do what you want.
welcome to Asia! :)
I can say that I am sad to see you go but happy to see you do what you want.
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